Head-copy Morse code

Morse code too hard to head copy?

  • Here is a proven way to fix that…

    First you learn to visualize simple words and sentences that are spelled in plain spoken English. Then individual voiced characters are gradually replaced with Morse code… but you continue to understand without having to write anything down!

This approach to learning head-copy has proven to be far more successful than traditional teaching methods that were intentionally designed to immediately convert Morse code to hard copy. In military Morse training, this was for accurate recording of coded messages. Unfortunately these methods have carried over into the amateur radio community and unnecessarily persist to this day.

With morseDX you start at 15 words per minute because this speed prevents your brain from counting individual dits and dahs. Each Morse character must be recognized as a unique sound pattern, not as a sequence of shorter sounds. And the spacing between characters has to correspond to the code speed, not artificially lengthened with the Farnsworth method. And once you learn to receive perfect Morse code, your brain will not allow you to send anything but perfect code.

You will find morseDX very easy to use. There is no software to install because everything runs in your browser and is available 24/7 from anywhere in the world.  And there are no ads or flashing doodads to distract you.

So subscribe today at no risk. You won’t be charged until after the trial period. And you can cancel anytime.

The apps included in morseDX feature material developed over the past decade. They will train your brain to link vocalized English letters and numbers with Morse code at 15-30 wpm, the range of most of the practical CW used on the bands. They are suitable for all levels of code expertise from beginner to experienced and include…

  • Letters and numbers
  • Common words including ham terms
  • Sentences in amateur radio context
  • Hollywood film lines
  • Q-Signals
  • Complete books and novels
  • My Text
  • Code Drill

A template for a learning schedule that you can adapt to your preferences is included in the Boot Camp section.

Code Drill, is a proprietary app based on an adaptive machine-learning algorithm. It tests and guides your code training, eliminating any weaknesses before allowing you to move on to additional characters. It’s also great training for picking up call signs because it improves your short-term memory.

And with My Text you can include your own training material — actual QSO transcripts, lists of call signs, or whatever will adapt learning Morse code to your specific needs.

And you can capture all your live lessons on a USB stick or CD/DVD for off-line learning when on travel or in remote locations.

So don’t put it off. You can soon comfortably head-copy complete sentences like…

Keep in mind that learning to receive with perfect Morse code trains your brain to recognize any fist irregularities, including your own. So learning to receive with morseDX will directly effect how well your sending fist will develop.

So don’t hesitate. Subscribe today at no risk and start preparing for whatever contesting and ragchewing challenges lie ahead. You won’t be charged until after the trial period. And you can cancel anytime.

And you’re in the right place if you need to prepare for an FCC license exam. Just take a look at our exam preparation.

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